
WebChat with MN ABE – September 18th, 2024

Topics will include: Grants and Finance High School Equivalency Testing (HSE) Transitions (Training, Partnerships, and Adult Career Pathways) PY24 Report Card Upcoming Professional Development…

WebChat with MDE – May 1st, 2024

WebChat with MDE: Annual ABE Grant Application Webinar

WebChat with MDE – February 7th, 2024

WebChat with MDE on February 7th. Slides included as a download.

WebChat with MDE – February 1st, 2023

A quarterly webinar led by ABE staff from the Minnesota Department of Education and hosted by Literacy Action Network. Topics will include: Accountability, including…

Volunteer Management 101

Patrick Smith and Annelisa Donlan shares their expertise on Volunteer Management 101.  …

Web Chat January 2022

Web Chats are quarterly webinar discussions hosted by Literacy Action Network, led by state ABE staff at the Minnesota Department of Education.