
WebChat with MN ABE – September 18th, 2024

Topics will include: Grants and Finance High School Equivalency Testing (HSE) Transitions (Training, Partnerships, and Adult Career Pathways) PY24 Report Card Upcoming Professional Development…

WebChat with MN ABE – July 10th, 2024

WebChat with MN ABE - July 10th, 2024 Topics will include: - Preparing for the August Reporting Submission - Federal Corrective Action Plan for Minnesota Adult Education

WebChat with MDE – May 1st, 2024

WebChat with MDE: Annual ABE Grant Application Webinar

WebChat with MDE – February 7th, 2024

WebChat with MDE on February 7th. Slides included as a download.

WebChat with MDE – May ’23

Topics include: Information and guidance on the Annual ABE Grant Application for Fiscal Year 23–24 Update on statewide contact hours Professional Development announcements Other…

WebChat with MDE – Feb. ’23

Topics include: Accountability, including follow up regarding the new Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) 3, 4, and 5 options Grants and funding, including an update on…